Many individuals think that they can replace their Michigan RV insurance with a regular car insurance policy. This allows them to save money on their premiums. But, while this concept may work in some cases, users may discover that this kind of policy will not be able to give a complete coverage on your RV. Remember that there are special insurance plans for each vehicle, and for your recreational vehicle, it is just right that you use Michigan RV insurance.

Frost & Remer ( states that your RV is not just a car, a towable vehicle nor a trailer. These are your homes when you are travelling out on the road, containing features which regular vehicles do not have. If you use your auto insurance, this may not be able to cover all the valuable things your RV may contain. Find a RV insurance Michigan policy, which covers malfunctions, breakdowns and accidents to protect your investment.
If you are shopping for good deals on Michigan RV insurance, look for the most complete plans, which will cover all your needs, such as:
- Total Loss Replacement, which is a good security when your RV is totaled, just for any reason. The coverage will provide you a brand new similar RV, if you are the original owner and it is less than five years.
- Personal Contents Coverage provides you the financial assistance to replace items inside the RV during it were damaged, including jewelry, cookware, clothing and more.
- Emergency Expense Coverage pays for your hotel, food, rental and other expenses when you need it.
- Towing and Roadside Assistance Coverage. This covers the cost of towing, fuel refills, battery recharging and even locksmith services.
Having Michigan RV insurance does not only protect your vehicle, but your every investment that goes with it. Look for the best; see Frost & Remer at