When purchasing a health insurance Woodhaven MI policy, consumers are often asked about their pre-existing conditions. While there are health insurance policies that are not designed to cover difficult medical conditions, your options of financing will have an impact on whether your circumstance will be covered in the future. Now that ObamaCare has changed the country’s medical laws, there is a greater chance for anyone to be insured even when having a pre-existing condition.
How Having a Pre-existing Condition Affects a Policy
A pre-existing condition is any medical circumstance when you have received medication or treatment before the beginning of your health insurance policy. If you choose a full health insurance Woodhaven MI coverage policy, you may have to ask your insurer if you need any exclusion to be covered. Some insurance companies offer a rolling suspension to one’s policy once they undergo a treatment for two years after the beginning of the policy. But some health insurance companies offer fixed moratorium mandates, which states that pre-existing conditions are covered by the insurance policy for two years.
For those with chronic conditions, a full medical underwriting for exclusions may apply. A chronic condition is a circumstance that needs ongoing monitoring and has no known cure. The illness is more likely to recur in the future, which includes asthma and diabetes. If you have this health condition, you may have a harder time to find an insurer, as they consider it as a risk.
The good thing is, the new health mandates require all insurance companies to comply to their every customer’s needs, and even those with chronic conditions can have a health insurance Woodhaven MI policy just as a normal person can acquire.
If you are healthy, it is best to purchase your health insurance now. Your health insurance is an investment and there are many benefits that go along with it: http://www.megaeveningevent.com/blog/frost-remer-shares-3-benefits-of-acquiring-woodhaven-health-insurance/. Purchasing health insurance is easy, and its rates remain customized according to your health. Avoid paying for a more expensive rate; make sure you don’t do any of these factors which contributes to the increase of rates in insurance policies: