Auto insurance can be a daunting subject especially if you’re new to it. There are many providers, plans and packages that can leave you confused along the way. Before you start shopping for auto insurance in Monroe, it is best that you assess your needs and budget. Understanding what needs to be covered will keep you on track in finding the best insurance plan for you.
Below are some types of auto insurance coverage included in most plans.
- Property damage is your coverage against any damage you may incur to someone else’s property. This may include objects such as poles, fences, buildings, homes, and other vehicles. Generally, the liability for property damage includes any structure your vehicle comes contact with.
- Bodily injury pays for the damages that your vehicle caused another person. This can be quite expensive, and the State has a required amount for this type of coverage.
- Collision coverage protects your vehicle from damages resulting from an accident, such as collision with another vehicle or driving into a pot hole. This coverage pays for the repair of your vehicle. If your car has been totaled in the accident, your auto insurance in Monroe will reimburse the assessed value of the vehicle.
- Comprehensive coverage protects you against losses from damages other than collision. This includes theft, fire, hail, animals and natural calamities such as flooding and hurricanes.
- Personal injury protection pays for your treatment when you, the car owner, is injured in a vehicle accident wither when driving the vehicle. This also covers the passengers in your car. Some packages include a broader coverage that offers lost wages and rehab costs.
- Uninsured or underinsured motorist will protect you from damages caused by a driver with lower insurance coverage or maybe does not have any vehicle insurance at all.
A good insurance plan will protect you and your vehicle from unforeseen events on the road. If you’re driving a truck, you will need a truck insurance quote to cover the specific needs of your vehicle.