Who needs commercial auto insurance in or near Monroe MI?
Do you have a business? Are you using two or more vehicles for your brand? Whether your company is big or small, you will be needing a commercial auto insurance Monroe MI policy for any and every car you use for your trade. This type of insurance will not only protect your cars in case of an accident, but also your brand, in case you are liable to pay for a property damage or injury.
There are many benefits in buying commercial auto insurance Monroe MI coverage, and we at Frost &Remer (http://www.InsuranceByFrost.com) believes that a business is never too much over-protected. This type of insurance covers a variety of services, including:
- Comprehensive and collision to pay for the repairs
- Liability insurance to pay for the damages and injuries caused to another
- Personal injury protection to cover the medical bills of the one driving the vehicle
- Uninsured motorist insurance to cover the drivers when hit by an uninsured, underinsured, or even a hit-and-run driver.
How to Buy a Commercial Auto Insurance Monroe MI?
This can be a little more challenging than buying an ordinary auto insurance, but as mentioned, the advantages are greater. Below are some things to keep in mind when planning to purchase this type of insurance:
- The number of vehicles owned by the business
- The type of vehicles owned by the business
- The driver of the vehicles and their driving records
- Whether these vehicles are used for personal means
When applying for this kind of insurance, it is important to list the business name as the principal insured. Motor vehicle background checks on all drivers must be applied so that one can make sure these employees all have good driving records. Discounts can be acquired; just ask the insurer what kind of perks your business may qualify.
If you are looking for an affordable commercial auto insurance Monroe MI, start with us at Frost & Remer. We’ve got different plans to suit your needs and budget. Learn more at https://insurancebyfrost.com/commercial-auto-insurance/.